today,after class i went online and as usual blog hopping to my favvy spots.and one of it was k.red's blog.ive been her silent reader for quite sumtimes.she did link her appearance in maria for her session and to see her on tv makes my heart goes.."whoahhhh!this is the k.red ive been reading about"..and there is also gegirl..sgt cumel okeh..and i just found out k.red's real name..hahah..tapi to see someone who wholeheartedly minat merah,sgt mengagumkan.because not many people yang tegar sebegitu rupe la..contoh paling dekat,look at my self la..konon2 addicted gile ng pink,pastu tibe2 je kang addicted gile ng purple plak,pastu karang hijau..pastu kang sudah nye aku addicted ng sume kaler..muahahahaha..so,to k.red..i wish u all the best for ur dream job~being a fulltime blogger!hik3..coming back to the new blogger(me),my life isnt so much to tell off..tapi yang pasti besok akan ku berpergian ke liverpool,cheshireoak to be exact..nak pegi the largest factory outlet in uk..sile menjeles..tapi disebabkan kpt kejam tak masuk duit lagi..ill be on a tight budget..owh,sgt tidak best..tapi takpe,ill be back..with more budget next time..muahhahahah..
berjalan lagik!!!
aku rs br je ko hbis coti2 hr tuuu
t kte jln kat mesia lak :P
sbb dorg main pagi aaa..iisskk
dahlah semlm aku mati2 ingatkan 11PM
dok gagah jek aku tggu taw tadi mlm
sekali dh kol 11PM...WWF plak yg kuar...haiippp!!!
geram jek :P
zie~ala babe,tv3.com.my kan adoo..itula sumber tv mesia yang aku ade pon..mnmuahaha..kalau tak tak dapek nye nengok kred nih..