my day out

as usual,jumaat tadek kelas kan,me and kna's family went to erdington.
main thing in mind is,
i desperately in need of study table
why erdington?
because there's like a lot of charity shops here
charity shops nih,jual barang2 terpakai
maybe ade org akan says euww..
but trust me
barang2 terpakai sini sangat okay
kadang2 diorang nak pindah and nak clear kan closet,
diorang sedekahkan pade badan2 charity nih..
and u got such big brand and small budget
tapi ade aku heran ape org nak kate?
yang penting..
me heart charity shops!wakakakaka
nak tau ape yang saye rembat today?
sudah semestinye...
study table!

workstation baru ku

haha..imagine eh..i bought it for like 5 pound..
sape nak bg?
in a very gud condition lagi..
owh ya..and a handbag for 3 pound?

i love buckled handbags~

u bet i like charity shops..


Izzatul Azma said…
santek okey buckled bag tu
aku pon kisah ape org ckp.bukan dorang yg pakai kan..hihi

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