wicked things right on 1st week lecture~

hey babes~
hak3,got my lappy,still tak online erk cik izza?
u know,first weeks is one of the most hectic weeks of my life as a student here besides catching up coursework's datelines.time ni la nak synchronize timetable,get to know who's in ur clas and such..
and believe me,attendance at this particular week are soo UNBELIEVABLE.
read:full house okeh.nak carik seats pon susah..

so,here i am,AGAIN babling about my life here..hahaha..
it is sOo me!

okay,my point..teke la ape mende yang wicked aku penah buat nih?teke2..got it?okay2..kasik clue skek..
see what the rock is cooking?wakakaka

dapat guess tak?tak dpt?okay2la,ill tell u guys.the wicked things ive done?hahah..travelling to manchester in just one day..i mean,one hour okay..my class finished at 1 pm today,so i just got on a 3 pm bus to manchester and got back to birm on 7.45 pm bus.
menyengal dalam bas

the catch?
books and kuey raye for hariz.
i know,like cam takde ari laen je nak antar kan.but this weekend he's flying off to ireland and next week im off to one's of the postgrad's open house.so,i was not feeling good helding his book which he needed so badly.so.gamble beli tiket.naseb pon tiket murah.haha..tapi still,i forgot to capture his picture.why ah?tensi jerk.pakcik ni alim,kalau aku dtg manchester,tak penah amek aku sorang.mesti berteman.so today,he brought along chak(or cak,thats the way he pronounce his name).he's a fine young lad, u know.i felt comfortable with him eventhough this is the very first time ive met him which is absurd because i am not that friendly with people.
so,that was it..
a longg day for me.
but ever since hariz in clinical year nih,i felt like boring gile.yela,die kat hospital tu from 9-5.da tentu sahih aku takleh kacau die.and malam je,mesti tido awal.
i know,he's tired and such but then i cant help it la..
dah die je kawan siang malam aku kat sini..
so,sape nak jadik kawan siang malam aku kat sini?
drop me a comment,if not im going to be nuts because staying all alone in this study land can be very tiring and mad.
till then peeps,wait for my raya bits..
coming s0on..

take care


Izzatul Azma said…
mmg pon! attendance at 1st week mmg so unbelieveable!!
sbb aku pun 1st week, pergh..klo boleh hari2 aku nak g jenguk fakulti tu...wakakakakkaa
padahalllllllllllllllll...have to okeh! terpaksa :P takpe2..ikhlaskan hatimu..hik3

vavava..tak nyempat2 okeh nk ngantar kuey raya :P
dpt gak ek ahernya buku c hariz tu..ish3..
nasib baik ade hariz..klo tak..
tataw la cane ko d sana :D

so, jgn nak emo2 ngan dia taw..hik3

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