Ma house.

Hi my little pink diary.
So today im gonna tell you a telltale of owning a house.
You see, im a simplistic person.
One who lives for the moment.
So for me doing such a big commitment like buying a house
Felt like a big ass of an achievement.
On top of my habit of buying things, i would very much likely to spent my hard earned money on foods.
Foodie la katakan *acah.
So to have that big chunk of your money goes out to your mortgages, it pains me.
But yeap, never knew having a house would be this satisfying.
I mean, i cannot explain the feeling.
Like u achieved something.
I have no one other than Allah to thank to
For giving me this blessing.
Mencukupkan segala-gala.
Bilamana there are people who are struggling to just live day by day
I am praying that whoever reads this, moga Allah panjangkan rezeki ini untuk anda anda juga.
So kite boleh jadi gucci gang, yeay!
So berbalik kepada cerita rumah, after all the legal process done and dusted
Mula la the process of fixing the house.
I bought a wee bit old apartment.
So mane works to be done.

1. Fix all the window and door frame (kene tuka aluminium because of anai2)
2. Fix windows and door ( semua pon menanti masa utk rebah, because of again, ANAI2)
3. New paint job( the house in dire need of a new coat of paint)
4. New table top/ sink for kitchen.

The process is super tiring weii.
Mule2 mintak contractor quote kan. AMAGAD.
1st quote i got like 19k. Jiran bawah tu renovate, quote 34k.
The next best thing is, to do it yourself.
Means, carik barang sendiri, carik tukang sendiri.
So yeah, to say that all this menial things is easy are an understatement.
The process of having to Go around town carik barang, material
Compare pulak rege sini rege sinun.
Similar to  what my father did when he build our kajang house.

So, this is how it was BEFORE the fixing takes place
bedroom 1



Ala, i takde banyak gamba before. Sbb yang slalu pegi tgk rumah before ni banyaknye proxy.
Hasbeng la, adik la. Banyak nye my adik2 la.
Because si kenteng masih baby. Yang menempel tak kire mase. Haha
*skarang pon masih tapi ade mahap lagi la senang distracted dgn bende lain

So this is how my current micasa, after the fixing takes place


Master bedroom



 Everytime i watched all the pictures, it warms my heart.
Like i said, unexplainable feelings.
So it ended up  costing me a lot more cheaper than the quoted price.
Sbg contoh, quoted price for all the windows and swing door was a whopping 11k.
I managed to get that all for like around 6k plus.
Paint job quoted price was around 4k.
I got mine in less than 2k.
All in all, Alhamdulillah.
Skang nak carik org nak sewa ja.
Mintak2 org yang sewa nanti share the same gratituted like i feel and jaga like rumah sendiri.
Alamak, hasbeng dah bising nak balik.
We talk soon ok?


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