Recaping my 2019.

Got busy handling work.
Collaborates in between MDEC and Les Copaque
Not to forget, busy planning for europe trip.

Feb- Mac
UK Euro trip with parents.

UK leg
Paris-London-Oxford-Manchester-Glasgow- Scotland- Edinburgh-Stoke on Trent- London

Europe leg
London- Paris- Bruges,Belgium- Rotterdam-Amsterdam-Frankfurt-Cologne- Zurich- interlaken- lauterbrunen- (a whole lot of Swiss)-Paris


Keris Siamang Tunggal with kids.
Worth. Every. PENNY.
Not that im biased ( with all the colaborations and seing upfront all behind the scenes with director cuts and all)

Birthday lil man.

Eid Mubarak
Jul all through Dis
Busy busy busyy until u dizyy
Ive been out and about most of the times.
Both pensyarah and ketua program role are killing me.
To the extent i didnt see my husband for 2weeks straight.
And honestly, that was such a dark times for us
We were bickering a lot. A LOT LOT.
Until one day it stopped.
We gave in. We comunicated.
And alhamdulillah 
We are now better than ever.

Oh, another milestone CHECKED :
Buying a housee!
Right smack in the middle of KL.
KLCC view from my house.
Haha. Giddy nye boleh ckp MY house.
So now, tgh repair mane yg patut before sewakan pada org.
Hopefully by early Jan, everything would be settled.

This whole year, i lost a sister. A friend from my past.  The only thing i regreted, that we cannot find it in our hearts to reconcile which ever misunderstanding comes between us. I was too hurt. She might be even worse. But this is life. Sometimes, instead of giving u daughnut, it gives you lemon. What you can do is, make the best out of that lemon.

So i think thats the highlight of my year.
I resolve to more self-loving comes 2020.
Travel lot. Worry less.
And definitely to love more.


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