hari BORING seduniaaa

aku tatau la..
i tend to bore people i guess
with my never ending story
and my annoying questions
but i always try to be a good listener
because i know how much it hurts when people don't listen to u
but why am i the one who is listening here?
why dont people get me?
i dont have anyone to turn to
i dont have a shoulder to cry on
if you could just understands
and not just blowing me off
just like that
ya,i get it..be independent
do not troubled people around you
but that is friends are for rite?
bukan time nak gelak je kawan ng aku kan?
i might be going offline for sometime
ym had hurted me twice last nite.
when i needed it the most
maka,i refused to ym.
saya sgt penat,putting a brave face everytime i am down
i am sick of that laughing icon
so sick that i wanna puke!!

ps:alep,tiket2 all england korang aku pass kat faiz nanti.tuntut kat diorang je nanti


Anonymous said…
pasal entry ni la aku kne sound sebaik saje bukak mate..hahaha

ps: xyah nak pass2 tiket tuh..merajuk sket2 sudey..:)
Zatil Iman said…

nasebla aku nak pass..
kalau aku nak koyak tadi?


by the way,
sorryla jadik penyebab ko kene sound dipagi sabtu yang indah

sape suruh buat aku majok lagii


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