2nd day at k0ta cHentA pArt 2

hey all...actually im damn tired because of the whle day at disneyland but then after packing my luggage(as im going to italy tomorow),i just dont feel like sleeping or resting.so here i am updating my journey in paris.hahah..okay..let see,where do we stop at last time?okay,i remember.art de triumph rite?heheh..so,after we went there both me and dila sgt lapar okeh..kitorang tak makan seharian,harusla lapar kan.so,we decided to have our only meal for that day at kfc.yupsie,kfc kat paris nih halal.yippie!nakk lepas gian punye pasal,kitorang beli bucket tros..muahahaha...sgt tamak okeh?sudahnye due2 tersandar kekenyangan..but the journey for that day hasnt ended just yet.me tringin sgt nak pegi jengah2 moulin rouge ar,the famous cabaret in paris.
dila and our bucket~

so,off we go to blanche.
blanche station
the most convinient thing here is,transportation sgtlaa sng.nak pegi tempat2 famous pon sng.either u naek metro or it just in walking distance.easy kan?da kate both of us blogger,ng rakusnye la snap gambar.

and we did walk along side the road..wah3..segale macam jenis kebogelan ade disitu.even ade satu museum called erotic museum..brg pameran?eiuwww,takyah cite la eh..hak3..
me at moulin rouge

the one and only erotic museum ive seen

amek mud kat moulin rouge,so pose pon kene gatai gedik skek..muahahah

igt nak pegi tgk eiffel di malam hari..tapi tak sempat la..and we both are too tired to walk da..so,postponed besok la..since ari nih da abes tawaf sume historical places within paris,besok adelah aktiviti mase lapang.actually we plan nak masuk musee de lourve because we want to see the famaous monalisa in front of our eyes..so,tomorow's destination:monalisa,shoping for souveniers and also tgk eiffel di malam hari..hehe..till then,buhbye all..


Izzatul Azma said…
wah3..bape bulan u tak mkn kepci ni?
lepas kempunan kan :)

shonoknya jalan2 d kota chenta..
wish to go there ngan org tersyg..hiks

sape yer??? lalallaa

klo masuk erotic museum ngan org tersyg..ape jadik ek? =))=))
Redbloodsnow said…
sonoknyerrr uolls neh jjln wehhh
nak join sekaki gak aaaa

eurolines tuu kalo pre book destination kena charge rite.. 2 to 4 euro.. ohh one more thing.. :)pass dia tuu beli online then terus print jer kan.. tq..

enjoy ur trip orite!! :)

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