off to paris~

hi all..curently im blogging from my hotel room at huh?hahah..oh yeah rakan2..pade 18 march 2008,saye dan dilaa (travelmate ku) telah bertolak menuju ke Paris dgn menaiki bas..huwaa...lame dalam bas tu jgn ckp la..bas dari birm pkol 3 pagi sampai london around 6.30 pg.and then at 8 am kitorang naek euroline to takes around 7 hours to get to paris by bus.hurm,me and dila were sleeping all the way because both still penat from previous trip(dila went to glasgow weekend before and i went to manchester)..and kitorang target the day kitorang sampai paris is the day to lepak2.takmo start tour2 lagi..and sampai at hotel,we settle evrything 1st and then went out to look for a map and also to eat..thankfully kat paris nih sgt banyak kedai halal.we ate our late lunch(nearly dinner pon) kat one of kebab restaurant near our hotel..and we went to near supermarket to buy some basic stuf like orange juice and stuf..and back to our room.nuthing much..meh layan gambar meh..hik3..

the bus that takes the gurls to paris

me and dila lam bas..muke nampak tired kan2?

our first meal in paris

ps:izza,namo la mara2 aku lagik..aku janji aku tak ungkit da pasal dak tu for me eh?i bought sumthing especially for u from paris..please smile..:D..ahaaa..i know ur smiling..thats my gurl..:P


Gg said…
awat nih? u2 gado2 ea?...
jangan ah gitu,
dh la kite dok jejauh~
tak mo la apart pulak...
eh, eh, eh~
plz, korang....
for me....
*Gg wat muke paLing seDeY~
Izzatul Azma said…
promise u wont ungkit lagi pasal dia..
i know back to high school,all is my stupid fault..n it embarrasing!
but now, dah bape tahun, cant u all let go all the stupid mistake that i made..
n it's not FUNNY!

btw,im not mad anymore..

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