2nd day at k0ta cHentA part 1

hohoh..hey all~hows ur day?mine is tired gile..ari nih ronda2 tak ingat seyh,kuar pagi balik malam.hahah..1st destination,tour eiffel(eiffel tower)..wa...cam tak caye okeh,eiffel depan mate.sgt lawa scenery nye..let me show u how lawa it is..

Tour Eiffel(Eiffel Tower)

me and dila!peace!
our next stop is musee de lourve(tempat bersemadi nye painting monalisa).owh,by the way,we get there by a hop-on-hop-off boat called BatoBus..student price is 8 euro.not bad..it has 8 stop altogether..kitorang menjengah2 je kat museum nih sbb planning besok baru nak jelajah abes2 dalam tu.so..here it is..me@musee de lourve
in the bAtobUs

palais de ape ntah..lope laa..hak3

musee de l0urvethe code breaker~ahaks!

after musee de lourve,we went to notre dame(tataula ejaan betol ke tak)..i dont know the history tapi die masuk dalam one of the stop kan,so turun je la amek2 gambar..nice place~we also masuk okeh cathedral tu.ngahahah..sangat scary..environment dlm die seram la..cathedral tu still in use,so bile kitorang masuk banyak la lilin2 and org tgh smayang2 kat situ..heheh
the hunchback of notredameee~ngeee

me@notre dame

and the next stop,champs de *sumthing*(tak igt)hahah..kire nih la street yang banyakk gile designer nye boutique..tidak ketinggalan LV nye butik pon ade..aku masuk la buat ckop syarat.nak beli tak termampu.besar gile ah butik nih,masuk2 cam lam cite muvie lak..setiap drawer display tu ade org jage,means ade pelayan die la..kire memang eksklusif la..tunggu aku kawen ng anak raje sok,mesti ade personal shop assistant aku kat situ.muahahah..matikla berangan..and me and dila were walking towards arc de triumph(dila kate tempat nih memang pemeh..aku tatau pon..hahah..die kate dalam cite mann(manisha koraila berlakon tu),kat sini la tempat nye die tempang dilanggar kerete)ngahaha..ketinggalan kan aku?
me at champs *sumthig2*(faillaa geografi aku)

LV boutique@paris

arc de triumph

peace all..im at the arc de triumph
big spender's must go list~

huhu..penat la..nanti i apdet the rest of my journey later k?besok nak shoping..i need a good sleep then..da daaa all!


Gg said…
wah, wah wah~
dh sampai sana rupenye...
ngehehe~ aku tatau pun arc de triumph namanya..
aku panggil pin2 gerbang paris jek *buleh x?,hehe
dh tau geografi lemah,
sblm jenjalan tu, baca buku siap2..hish~
nway, plz look 4 my reQuest ya?
take care!

*to my saYangs,
u 2 dah baik ke...~
em, em, em?
Zatil Iman said…
ahaks2..kitorang mane leh gado lame2 kan iza kannn...da kte sayangs2..muahahaha

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