shops till u drop~
fuh2(sambil2 tiop habuk kat blog sendirik)..mahaple rakan2,saye mmang datang mud malas hop pon jarang2.ngahahaha..sgt bz membuang mase sungguh saye..lagi plak,tiade criter yang mahu dicritekan la..same old,same old.last week,sume org bz membuang undi.and the result was a bit suprising.shocking actually.saye disini,hanye membace brite online.tu pon cam siot serber down.thanks to tb3,im able at last to know the actual result ari ni(isnin).sgt lambat not into politics,tapi i do hope whoever yang rule pon melesiaku tetap aman damai seperti dahulu kale(cewah,topik berat tu babe)hak3.rite now plak,my uni pon sebok berpolitik.student representative election.hurm,tringat time zaman2 moda2 kat iic dulu.takde ribut,tibe2 name den naek kat board,dicalonkan untuk SRC(student representative council).at that time,diorang tak buat election,sbb ape ntah.tapi takleh lupe gerakan2 gerila yang tak puas ati ng kitorang sbb penamaan calon dilakukan oleh school memasing(murid skolah tiade hak mahu menawarkan diri atau mencalonkan sesape untuk divote).haha..diorang bajet aku nak?dicalonkan okehh,aku tak minat bersosial lebey2.hahaha.tanye la iza ng gg,diorang tau la aku nih tak rajen berpesatuan2 bagai okeh.i was like what the heck?da la kene bentang manifesto,pegi interview ng board of academics and dean sume.saye sgt pemalu,and my self esteem that time was very low.the candidates are the top student in the college and out of nowhere aku tercalon.bleh?ntah hape yang school aku nampak ng aku nih sampai dare to cdg name aku.da la pemes disebabkan suke tido lam kelas yer.owh,but it really worth it.the experience i mean.and also the guys.hak3.(out of ramai2 exco,aku ade skendel ng president yer,bleh?wakaka..sgt lawak okeh)and not to forget,gg pon were apointd as a representative in her maktab's mpp.congrats dear.its such a huge responsibility,i hope u can gain a lot of experience and in the same time have the fun.but ade satu incident yang buat i trase hati ng src and i tros shut my self down from src until i step down.(owh incik wadud,sile la igt incident TIDAK ADIL ini okeh)so izza,bile mau join the club nih?hik3.indahnye zaman moda2.zatil,stop it(mau berduka lara lagi la tu).
talking bout last weekend,my weekend was full of jalan2,shuping2 and fren,pinaz came here and stay over at my place.the plan was pagi2 besok nak teman pinaz shuping.i fetch pinaz from train station and we had diner at my pplace.i masak nasik lemak.hahah..tetamu datang kan,haruslaaa kene masak.and sabtu tu,after breakfast(yer iza and gg,sile la ajaib ng aku.i made BREAKFAST okeh?hahah),i and pinaz went to city center,menemani si pinaz bershuping2.tapi da name pempuan,dok meneman nih,mesti ade dok beli jugak satu,ini la hasil bershuping2 ari sabtu yer.
after shuping tu we went to pinaz's sis's place at witton road.i was planning to stay over at her house until monday.hak3..and sampai2 tu kakak pinaz masak ayam percik..sgt la heaven nye!and i bought 2 dozen doughnut,and bring it over her sis's place.and sgt la double heaven weh,i was watching the tv for the 1st time spanjang 7 bulan ku disini(approximately)..uish,tak berkelip den nengok tb tu.sampai pinaz tego,tak berkelip tgk tv tu.hahah..yela,dulu awak nih ratu tv,alih2 dtg sini,tros tak tgk tv,mau tak qada' balik?owh ye,sini tv mura,tapi the license sgt mahal okeh.tak pakai license kene saman.saman die lagi la mahal.and cenel die pon tak brape nak banyak.kene pakai satelite tv baru best.macam2 adooo..hak3.
pagi ahad plak,bgn awal,had our breakfast and tros head off to car boot sumwhere(den lupe la name tempat tu)..kat situ car boot die,masya Allah sket punye besar.tidak dapat tidak,saye memborong best kat sini.brg branded,tapi mura.hak3.pandai carik,dapatla.ekceli,i takla begitu gile akan branded stuf,tapi when u can get it at cheaper price,why not kan?barang pasar malam pon i pakai.dont wory,no such thing as double stended this is the stuf that i bought.
a mark and spencer(per una colection) tee for 50 posen and a mark and spencer(also per una colection) suar for also 50 posen.(matikla aku org kate berlagak kan,baju tido pon pakai mark and spencer.wakakak)tapi tell me girls,releven tak beli baju nih?50 posennnn kottt...sgt tempting okeh.
the tee-a closer look
black cardigan=sehengget
bear2 nih 5 pound each.beli sbb cumel and harge much moooreee cheaper than kat luar.tapi tatau nak bagi sape.ngahahah..tu dinamekan beli tanpe tujuan.owh,saye juge membeli post it flagging for sehengget each.(nampak tak dicelah2 bear tu?)sgt mura okeh,ari tu tgk kat asda arge die nearly 4 pound.sgt beze kan?tapi kali ni,post it flagging nih bertujuan yer.tujuannye untuk STUDY.wakakakakak..mintak3 termakbul la dan tak berhabuk yer flagging2 itew..
despite those shoping i had,my heart aches.y it is so damn hard to forget sumone?im so tired.jgn risau izza,im still holding on my not caling him or whatsoever.rase cam nak ckp ng mama,if u nak ur daughter nih kawen,u just choose and i tggl kawen je.kih3.maleh berchenta2.bleh tak?if u do read this mama,please do damn sriyes,anyone?sile hantar resume anda kepade ibu saye yer.hahahah..gile me! so in the sleep mode early clas to attend tomorow.til then,buhbye sweeties~
pagi ahad plak,bgn awal,had our breakfast and tros head off to car boot sumwhere(den lupe la name tempat tu)..kat situ car boot die,masya Allah sket punye besar.tidak dapat tidak,saye memborong best kat sini.brg branded,tapi mura.hak3.pandai carik,dapatla.ekceli,i takla begitu gile akan branded stuf,tapi when u can get it at cheaper price,why not kan?barang pasar malam pon i pakai.dont wory,no such thing as double stended this is the stuf that i bought.
despite those shoping i had,my heart aches.y it is so damn hard to forget sumone?im so tired.jgn risau izza,im still holding on my not caling him or whatsoever.rase cam nak ckp ng mama,if u nak ur daughter nih kawen,u just choose and i tggl kawen je.kih3.maleh berchenta2.bleh tak?if u do read this mama,please do damn sriyes,anyone?sile hantar resume anda kepade ibu saye yer.hahahah..gile me! so in the sleep mode early clas to attend tomorow.til then,buhbye sweeties~