phew~done my java exams.@ulatbuku

it was so-so la..dont know how to explain but im hoping i will pass this paper.


my next paper is computer animation on 14th may.wish me luck eh..

today while siap2 pegi exam, terase cam boring pakai perpume lame ku,maria,gobek2 la lemari,aku banyak membeli perpume dok sini.konon nye nak bg kat org la@bidadaritapi memang betol pon..@guling

so..nak tau ape aku pakai ari nih?taraaaaa...

nina ricci..

i bought this 30ml perpume back then when i was in paris.ade promotion time tu,2 box for 30 euro..lebey kurang rm150 untuk due botol.the smell is so luvly..obviously laa bau apple kan da kate btol pon bentuk apple.but still,i luve the smell.

ps:im going sumwhere with my girls and its going one step closer towards the holidays.yeay~


Izzatul Azma said…
i pny perfume yg mana yang =P
Izzatul Azma said…
ai pny perfume yg mna ekk =P
Zatil Iman said…
hik2..pileyla yang mane satu..muahahhaah..body shop mau?
pRincESs_N said…
wah zatil....i br ckp kt izza nk suh u tlg surveykn perfum kt sane...BRITNEY SPEARS...MIDNITE...klo rerajen...tlg survey kn ekk...
Anonymous said…
wahhh dah jatuh chenta tgk design botol yer...tu belum bau yer lagi..hehe
Anonymous said…
nina ricci ni wangi la,i like!!!
murahnyerrr u tul..

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