another 2 more paper to go~

da bape abad aku tinggai blog nih eh?muahahaha..berkerak2 da habuknye.

by the way..sedey la..entry ni tak bericon..sbb im using the new firefox3.greasemonkey tak compatible.ciss la masalah kalau terlebey apdeted*statement keji*muahaha..

okay..cut the crap..main point zatil?

my aktivity spanjang tak mengapdet blog..

ahad-the weather was so nice and instead of studying we(eri and me)decided to take a walk(lagipon our brain need rest too kan?)..what can i say,mashaAllah..kejadian Tuhan..lawa sgt..sambil makan2 aiskrim,we stroll along side the park.release jugak la tension..hehe

spring time~

gadis bunga perhaps?hik3

and ari ape ntah..we went out to celebrate birthday eri(sory,lately nih slalu kene sindrom short term memory lost)wahahaha..takde yang fancy2 pon since masing2 dalam mode penstudyan bermatian2..we just ate this one oriental restaurant name The Flames@Star pay 10.50 pound and u can eat all you want..the food was good..and we had a great time there..

me and birthday gurl,eri~

~the food~

rabu-paper java~done!

khamis plak..i was studying like till 4 in the morning..and i was about to rest my head,and then guess what?the last thing i need at that alarm!i was like..duhh~geram betol..grab my jacket and notes..turun..owh kat sini if anyone yang new to my blog(ceceh ayat pasan konon2 ade org bace la blog nih..wakaka),it is a crme if u tak turun during fire alarm.u can be fined up to 200 pound.time2 exams nih memang org ske buat pranks but smalam ade fire truck datang..sampai emapt skali gus..muahaha..carik mane mende yang terbakar tak jumpe jugak..

see?ade fire truckk wooo

cube kire ade bape?hik3

jumaat~paper AMV:done!

besok k.efa nak datang dari notts..sbb kitorang nak pegi jalan2 ari ahad nih..hik3..nanti ill updet later bout my trip okay?

next paper:hci and internet application..countdown?29 days more to be home..ohhh~cant wait..

ps:sory,all the pictures are taken with my handphone..bear the blurry thingy erk?tengkiu..


FF said…
ouh hello twisted angel.

hurm, wht shud i call u eh?

btw thanks for droppin by. ;))

its nice to hv u as my latest-new-bloggin-frnd. =))

where are u studying act?

i bet mesti u amek comp sc ni kn? hehehe.

susah sgt ke?
Izzatul Azma said…
ahernya ko hapdet jugak yer
tak sia2 aku memekak kat cbox ko tu =))

gudluck ok 4 ur next paper..
nnt balik mesia kte ronggeng2..aku dh terbayang2 ni =P

cendawan goreng..igt x? =)) =))

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