hati ku sedey~wawawa

he's flying back home tomorow..
sedey lebey2 ni pasal ape zatil?
there goes my talkmate..
there goes my ym mate..
there goes my BEST mate..
safe journey,frend~

ps:sedey hokay..tatau pasal ape?adekah krane prubahan hormon?or im used of having him always by myside..adehai..susah jadik kere sumbang nih


Izzatul Azma said…
ur time will come..very soon kan :)
Zatil Iman said…
ya..my time will come

very soon indeed..

cant waitt~

look on the bright side..i have my raye kat mesia..

padan muke hariz..

muahahaa...lagi skalik kenyataan keji..

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