Happy weekend people!
Hows ur week so far?
Mine was hectic but ok la.
We got this lesson plan course thats due today
But i manage to send the LP to my bos smalam.
Minggu ni mmg mencobar betul.
Dahla ade keje yg ade dateline pengarah bagi, power in my floor keeps on tripping.
Ya Allahhhhh. Kesabarangggg sgt guwe.
1hari tu kadang sampai 8juta kali tripp.
Dah satu keje nak pegi up db tu everytime.
But all in all, alhamdulillah.
Atleast i still got jobs right?
Not whining then.
So, i think 2 days back i cooked steakkkk!
Kakak tringin dr time puasa lagi ok. 
When rentas daerah was allowed, kakak ajak hasbeng pegi jaya grocer.
Sbb i nak beli steak cutlet.
Sampai lepas rayaa ni ha tak dapat deknonn.
Makanya, lets.
Biala kakak pegi sendiri. 
Meratapi nasib pon xgune
Still cannot change the fact i cannot get my steak.
Walaupon terpaksa drive 1hour-ish nak pegi jaya grocer, kakak berjaya mendapattttkan steak2 cutlet guwe.
Mmg puas hati.
Pastu dpt makan subway jugak.
My current place yg paling hip pon mekdonel la. Oh, sikret resepi la kot yg nak hip2 sket.
So dont judge when i was over the moon dpt makan subway ok?
I got delish tuna, and tapau italian bmt for hasben.
See, i murni ok walaupun die tanak bersusah senang bersama demi pencarian steak kakak.
But of course, kakak ikhlas seadanyaa kita.
*pardon the PDA
Oh kat jaya grocer ni, kakak terpaling suke beli sayur disini.
Satu, they have small portions of fresh veggies for small family like me.
See carrot tu? Baby carrot yg takyah peel.
Dlu kat tf ade jual, skang dah takde dah.
I lovee sbb boleh terus masuk dalam sup tanpa perlu dipeel.
And they got small2 veryy bersih potatoes.
Bukan kentang yg besar2 tu tau. 
Pon senang jugak.
So i bought 6pc of steak.
4 grain fed striploin and another 2 angus rib eye.
You can seee beautifulllll marbling of the meat. Rase mcm dpt emas ok.
So, im gonna share some tips to cook steak.
But first, makesure thaw kan ur steak to room temperature.

1. Rub your steak with olive oil. ( both sides)
2. Rub some salt and pepper. ( both sides)
3. Important tips : make suree, your steak is at room temperature so that it would not be cold inside when u cooked it.
4. Cook it in a heavy based pan on high heat, 4mins each side. And if ade lemak2 tepi tu , makesure masak sampai die crispy2. Lagi tebal steak, boleh lebihkan minit. Macam mine, die lebih kurang 1inch ja or less. So 4mins is enough. Takleh lame sgt sbb nanti your steak would dry up in the pan.
5. So, dah masak, cool it off for 10min and put a dollop of garlic butter on top.
6. Thenn, itadakimass. Haha
Seriously, doesnt need that fancy coating. 
Oil, salt and pepper. 
Because i like my meat naked. Ecewahhh.
Serious. Dah mcm mkn kat chillis. 
But better.

Ok then, have a great weekend ahead darlings!


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