Jolly June

Is it me youre looking for?
I can see it in your eyess.
*cue lagu lionel richie.
Jokes aside, how yall doing?
PkPP treating yall good?
I had quite a long week.
Started with teman my mother pegi pangkor balik hari
*i got to buy lotsa dutyfree chocs.
And not so productive meetings on tuesdays.
Followed by headache 2days back to back.
But alhamdulillah, masih lagi bernafas and coping up.
On a brighter note, i managed to checked off most of my to do list which is super yeay!
So jolly june.
June is a month of celebration.
1st, it is husband's birthday.
2nd, it is our wedding anniversary.
Slalunye, i would buy presents i think usefull or necessary for hubs birthday present. 
Keji , i know.
Padehal die slalu beli hadiah mengikut keinginan hatii kakak.
Speaking of which, sistur is takuit. I think i misplaced my fitbitt. Which is given by him. Huwaaa.
Die tanye2 jugak, i just said, takde bateri. 
So taun ni, kelainan nye kakak beli la hadiah impian hati diee.
Which is overpriced gaming keyboard he aimed since like forever.
Sumpah tak faham apehal mahal gils menatang ni.
Keyboard je pon.
Tapi takpela since die tak penah merungut akan kemahalan hadiah sisz. Sisz redho.
And i know he is super happy, when he suddenly PDA'd me in his status.
Tanjat gegel.Kahkah.
I was thinking of getting him the same brand mouse for anniversary.
But we'll see how.
Kang melimpah ruah pulak kasih sayang die ke kakak. Hahah.
Weekend dipenuhi dgn aktiviti bermalas2san dan mengqada segala laundry dan house chores yang tertunggakkk.
I even managed to makeover the kids playroom a bit.

Taraaaa. I tuka pakai vinyl flooring 
Lagi robust and tidak mengumpul habuk ye.
And the kids also happy meleser2 diatas lantai sambil bermain toys mereka.


Cume cat ja belum lagi. 
Penuh mural terutamanya mural si inana.
I was thinking nak buat 1scribbling walls for them to sribble on the walls.
Tgh nak carik samada nak pakai yg mcm blackboard punye cat or nak beli whiteboard punye wall sticker.
We'll see how.
Im hoping you guys had a fun weekend too.
Maka, slamat menyambut hari isninn yalls!


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