~my lively sunday!~

phew..its freezing outside.smalam -7 celcius.today im not sure.lupe cek weather forecast..hik3,tapi sejuk2 ketaqq tu pon i maintain je kuar ari ahad..ngahahah..today,ari ahad yang paling penuh dlm idop i spanjang kat sini..owh,before i forget,i chose not to go to notts,sbb my fren ah riz nak turun birm.so,i chose to meet him sbb die kawan yang slalu tlg i mase susah,and lagipon pstgrad tu i baru je jumpe and i dont think its worth it to just go to notts and abandon ah riz kan.da la pakcik tu susah nak turun birm..ni turun pon pasei ade program kat walsal.hik3.so,wake up very early in the morning(which SGT jarang),sbb malam tu tido awal,ahaks(mesti izaa tak caye..hahaha)and then,bgn2 je apter subuh tu,igt nak mandi tapi tebiat ape nak memandi sejok2 pepagi bute tu kan..on la lappy terchenta nih..online2 je tros izza online tau..hak3,memang kitorang ade kimia okeh!baru dok sakan2 cite ade kimia nih,tibe2 lak gg pong online..hahah..sambung gelak balik pasal kimia2 tu..kitorang sisters memang ade kimia bebetol la agaknye..bukan skali hokeh..banyak kali..tak caye tanye iza(kan iza kannn)hehe..pastu mule la meraban2,cite macam2..yang tak menahan tu igt satu cite nih tau which i sorang je igt(zaman skola2 dolu2)and gg was like"is it zatil?"and iza pla"aku LUPE..ko igt erk?"hak3..tula..heran gak,tapi ade sbbnye nape aku yang igt kejadian tu..(kakaka..gg and izza,sile la trase..lalalala)..and dok recap2 zaman skola2,da 7tahun rupenye kitorang nih jadik BFF..lame..7 tahun sgt lame hokeh..dolu2 nye time skolah,siap ade cermin bersame la,buku bersame la,buku utang bersame la..memacam bersame..and not to forget buku lagu bersame(sbenanye buku lagu tu skali je ng buku utang and buku bersame,saje je nak bagi sket item yang aku tulis byk..hahaha)heheh..and after that i need to siap2 nak pegi jumpe my friend,incik ah riz(bukan name sbena)and i memang planning nak kuar pon since i da lame gile tak hang out kuar2 tgk city..hahaha..call eri n paie ajak kuar same,da la me tak ber 3some..so,diorang agreed.meeting point:argos.but before that i singgah laundry room buat laundry.balik outing kang baru kutip balik..hak3..singgah starbuck jap,beli caramel coffee frapucino peberet(since i da due ari okeh tak makan..gageh tak?haha),and tros head off to krispy kreme(kedai donut terkenal kat sini)wah3,mane tahan kan asek tgk sume org dok berJco2an..i pon mahu jugak..tapi namenye krispy kreme la..and i bought like 2 dozen sebab 1 dozen tu nak kasik kat ncik ah riz..

the famous krispy kreme

Assorted and original glazed(i do prefer original glazed better)

ntahla,aku sgt suke whenever ade kwn yang btol2 aku anggap kawan dtg birm..ah riz plak ngengade nak segan2,kate aku da banyak banje die(padehal aku baru kasik satu dozen donut je tuhh).tapi sriyesly die sgt byk tlg aku.SGT okeh..aku suke treat member2 aku macam mane aku suke member aku treat aku(not the belanje things)tapi whenever u susah,they always there for you.and he's one of them.thanks ah riz for being such a good friend in this alienated land.although i know ure not reading tapi if happens to be u are reading this one day,i hope u know how much i appreciate our friendship!heheh..by the way,die single.kacak bergaye,alim and bakal dokter wehhh..hak3,gg or zie mau ka?izza takleh,not ebelebel da..hahah..tapi tadek pic ah,aku lupe tangkap.tapi one fine day ill reveal his looks.haha..so sape2 berkenan,sile la msg aku.(icon gelak guling2)sape cepat die dapat(sukak2 je aku promote die kat sini..naseb ko la ah riz..lalalala)..

tgh tunggu pokcik tu kat train station

and after that,balik my room semayang sume2.and before that i pi kutip laundry jap..ngahahah.and tros head off to Star city,nak makan nandos halal..


the combination of meal platter & the full platter

me and fifah(senior aston uni)

~my meal~

paie & ery(ade rupe bakal engineer petronas tak weh?xkan?muahahah)

nyum2..syedap!hik3..sgt tamak okeh..kitorang berempat sume amek sorang half chicken,bleh?hik3..pastu memasing tapau lagi suku tu bwk balik umah..hahaha..makan tak beringat.dah habes makan,balik time la..

inilah die saki baki yang ditapau oleh kami

time balik buat pose ngade2 atas bus..hahah

da sampai bilik tu tibe2,ade mood nak ngemas.bilik da lame tak bervacum,pasai ade sorang minah bijak pandai nih simpan vacum lam bilik die.pandai kannn..pastu gantung2 baju yg baru dilaundry itew..(takleh pakai dryer,tadek syiling..huhu)..and inilah hasilnyeee...

kemas kan bilik anak dare?ahaks,except for the baju yang gantung2 tu,baru buat laundry kan,harusla bergantungan..

hik3..thats all for my sunday..kire bleh la kan?dari tadek..hak2.isk2,malas pegi skolah besok.tapi takleh..da azam takmo malas2 dah..hope this week will start with a new shine..amin!till then,papai all~

ps:kepade beshfren2 ku..silela locate frame yang korang bagik kat KLIA tu..lalallalala...


Redbloodsnow said…
awat hang x tempek sekali gambq ah riz tuh
nak gak z menengok wajahnyer...kekekeke

whoooaaa korg2 neh...
sonok seakan nah aaaa meet up with each other..
klu z menyelit kat c2 kan besh ek

makanan korg sungguh menyelerakan pewot ku aaa..hahahaha

cikhajar said…
wahahah amek pic bilik kah..wahh haruslah aku amek pic bilikku juaa(jaja)
Izzatul Azma said…
i cant spot the frame..
cloze up plzz...
hihi :P

terasa aku dgn entry ini :P
adakah aku mmg bermulut laser lagi lantang????
ahahaa..dont answer plzz =))
Zatil Iman said…
zie~best lagik lepak kat mamak stall...waa..daku rindukan mesia

jaja~ahaks,amek2.pastu jadikan avatr..wakakka,pasti ramai pm lelaju nak buat calon bini

iza.~mane leh clozze up..aku nampak je..lalallaal..ahaks..okeh2 aku tak jawab.lalalalla
Gg said…
izza!! how come u cant locate it?? its on zatil's desk. just in front of her LapPy tuh~ so that whenever zatil duk c2, she'll see OuR faces first... tehehehehehe~ kan zatil, kan?

dear, pasal BAB tu..im sorry from the bottom of my heart k? of coz u remember it, ur the 1 who's hurting rite? so sorry~

but, i REALLY miss the oLd days~hey, where's the OUR BOOK tu ea? u bawak g UK ke? hhehehehe
Izzatul Azma said…
wakakaka..plz ok dont talk bout the BOOKS..
mmg shit giler menatang2 dlm BOOKS itu..
anda berdua taw ape..n saya tak mahu mengenang lagik okeh? :D
tlg jgn kenangkan lagi..
saya adalah budak mentah dahulu

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