lion dance~

hellow all~i know i keep on forgetting to put a new post.sorry~hik3..urm,let see whats happening in town.nuthing much i guess.just im being rajen to go to class.hak3,i know for a fact that keep on skipping class wont help,amek berkat dtg kelas jela.hahah..and one day,at java lab,where i tgh termanggu2 cam org bunguks,lab attender tu dtg tgk i..hak3,and he was like,do u need any help?pastu aku pon citela panjang lebar ng die.dari mule,and basically aku just tau die suro modified code but i dont know what to do.and he was like,"okay i get it.i know its hard doing it without any help and u culd just use me or matt(matt nih hensem woo..tu yang tak lalu panggey,kang aku nengok die je..hak3)to help u".and die pon ajar la aku.and u know what?he says sumthing like this,"u are good but u didnt know where to start.thats y u are a direct intake student"hua3..omputih tu mamai bekas hangover smalam.and die ckp la aku bleh dtg extra lab,just keep it between two of us jela.(sbb diorang particular kalau ade student interupt masuk lab org laen).aku macam terharu gak ar.slalu camni tau,bile aku cal mak pak aku ,ngadu gitu gini..besok nye Allah da tolong aku.memang weh..stiap kali ok!doa mak ayah tu penting,trust me on this!pastu da plak ayah aku risau.sbenanye mende yang aku sgt concern ialah if aku malukan diorang.sriyesly.pressure.i know they have high expectation towards me.and aku sgt takot if i end up not doing well.sian diorang kene kutuk ng org sekeliling.anak jejauh blaja,dpt 2nd class degree je,better lagi anak aku yada yada.and stiap kali aku dpat marks for my carry mark,aku runsing.memangla tak tahap fail lagik,tapi dulu2 they used to hear"owh kiman 3 pointer sumthing" but la ni..hahaha..but after hving a little serious conversation with my dad,i know now that they just want me to be hapy.enjoy blaja.even my dad bleh ckp"kalau fail pon,repeat jela..nak wat camne,da usahe"..sgt kool okeh.doesnt means i want to fail,but sgt batu atas bahu nih tibe2 ilang.and mood aku untuk minggu nih sgt baekkk!!hak3..okeh stopla cite pasal tu,makes me miss home even more.owh yeah,i know one online store untuk beli barang2 mesia ar.kedai perantau..even ade novel okeh.hahah..sgt heaven!aku blom rajen nak isi billing detail..sbb skali register mau aku tros membeli belah tanpe segan,stop it,my dear readers yang ade di pelosok donya,u could just jenguks2..mane tau the way,kuah rojak pon ade okeh..hahaha..urm,owh another criter..u know at my uni ade CNY festival kat mesia da abes mood dah.ade lion danceee wehh..sgt perak laa aku.haha..lion dance start dari depan my so called "kondominium mewah" and end up kat guild hall..malaysian,chinese,and singapore society yang anjurkan. just jengah2 jela.takde ape menarik pon..tapi smpt tangkap gambar,enjoy the piccies goodness,im late for class now!!okay then,buhbye lalinks.~da daaaa

ps:i like the black dragon more..sbb buntut die cumel gile..hak3..i wonder who's in it?hahaha


Norisza Ismail said…
hui.i br masuk kedaiperantau tu..besh2..dah lama x mkn ikan bilis sambal ni..huhu..seronot la uni u..dkt ngan city..nnt i pun nk amik pics kt tpt i ni la..tpt i sopin, nek tren..hehe..okeh..igt our date kamis depan hehe..jln2...
Redbloodsnow said…
wehhhh!!! wehhhh!!
dok skodeng montot org lak die


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