Be kind.

Hows life so far?
Stay safe ,stay vigilant now that covid cases are on the rise again.
Mine's pretty well so far.
Work has been less hectic. 
As all the important things has been settled.
And yeay me for our curriculum has passed the subcommittee.
Abes dahla fasa bengkel kurikulum xpernah sudah.
Oh, i am so into this lagu right now.
Be kind by marshmellow and halsey.
The lyrics is just on point.

"I don't know why you hide from the one
And close your eyes to the one
Mess up and lie to the one that you love
When you know you can cry to the one
Always confide in the one
You can be kind to the one that you love"

Spot on, innit?
We always close our eyes to the very person who hurts us the most.
To justify whatever reason that WE FEEL RIGHT TO OURSELF.
We gave in until theres nothing left to be given out.
And we end up losing ourself because we gave in to much bits of ourself.
I know.
I was like that.
Still am. But i kinda put a certain bar of whatever bullshits i am willing to accept from people.
Be it in my personal life or work-life.
And alhamdulillah, i am happier.
So so much happier than i was before.

Seperti contoh, there is one person who bugs the hell out of me at work.
Ive tried being professional whatever, but this person is as stubborn as hell in making my life difficult.
Being a head of your unit, when one of your lecturers just defeats all your purpose of communicating, it is effing hard.
So what i did, i gave him the same bullshit he gave me.
Helok pulak kejadiannye 
Aku ni beria la nak hormat die la hape.
Skali bagi he tasted his own medicine, elok pulak.
So thats basically my point people.
Put a limit to whatever bullshit people gives you.
We decide.
Ok, gotta go as si inana dah rikues nak ikan pulakk dahh.
Toodles people 
Till i bable again.


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