
I was getting my facebook-fix just now
And i came across a very inspiring video.
I think its a series of voice of reverts.
This video is about an interview with Siu Lim
Chinese- American reverts for 12 years.
I like her.
Shes like so cute while being inspiring.
I love the part when she is so honest
" to be honest, i dont feel much difference when  i say the syahada because i was practically practising the religion"
But something she said that really gets me
She said
" No matter what hardship you go through in life, dont let anyone bully you in your religion. Through the help of islam, through the help of Allah, you can go through anything"
I know righttt?
Deep bhai.
Sbb zaman2 penuh fitnah ni,
People would simply use agama utk menegakkan benang yg definitely basah.
Menghalalkan benda yang haram
Mengliberalkan hukum.
Kalau tak, xdela istilah amal maaruf nahi mungkar right?
Mengajak kepada kebaikan, dan mencegah kemungkaran.
How can you strive for kebaikan when you terang2 melakukan perkara mungkar?
Bagaimana yang kita kata belajar mengikut teladan?
This is #selfreminding for me
Tak dinafikan yang kadang2 kita pon tergelincir.
Letih. Confuse.
Because, dalam usaha kita mencarik redha Allah
Path tu mesti penuh liku.
Tapi manisnya nikmat iman tu, makes it so worth it.
Thats why i always love ramadhann.
Because in ramadhan, you are only against your inner self
Your nafsu. Your malas.
And i am so sad that ramadhan will be leaving in a few days time.
Allahu. Pendeknya masa.
Ya Allah, temukanlah aku dgn ramadhan mu lagi ya Allah.
Semoga ramadhan kali ini, memberi signifikan yg besar dalam diri aku mencari redha-Mu


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