random bitchy bites

rase tak skarang cuace panas2?
kalau nak pegi lunch tu, memang sauna bontot ah skejap.
nak plak sume kerete2 colleague i sume leather seat youuu.
fuh.terbaik sauna nye.
dari dulu kan, i always wanted to do a post on random things that i dont like.
for instance,while im driving.
i hate seeing kids on motorcycle without helmet.
like seriously guys.
dah la tak pakai helmet, pastu bawak motor cam haram.
oh this kind of people make my blood go upstair.
you are jeopardizing a kid's life mannn!!
see, aku emo.
trust me.
you dont wanna be with me in a car
as i cursed a lot while im driving
not curse la, more onto babbling.
sedar tak sedar, its already march.
how time flies,right?
before you knew it, its already september.
and god knows how exciteed i am for september.
shocking-pink kurung,come to mammaahhh!
sedar tak sedar jugak its been nearly two month since i started work here in teluk intan.
im adapting well towards the environment.
except for the fact that i dont get paid until the end of this month.
march is also a busy-bee moment for me.
got to attend to so many things
but at the very least, all those things kept me from thinking some random stupid things
something like
an ugly relationship i've had.
the 7years i will never get back.
the heartache.
the tears.
dont you know that crying is the most tiring things we could ever do?
just thinking about it makes me drowsy.
it might be hard to move on
and people might get hurt along the way
but for the time being,
im focusing more on doing myself.
im gonna be selfish and put myself first
and i believe im gonna be okay
that everything's gonna be okay
super okay!

to whom it might concern,
Allah itu Maha Adil.
you'll get your bahagian when the time comes


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