
tengah berutube2 dan berfesbuk2
i accidentally check out my mesenger
and guess what i saw?

Ahmad Hariz-view my Webcam

i dont know what drives me
tau2 je dah click,to request
and he approves it(padehal tak ym ng die pon)
and tara
nampak la muke die
tau tak prasaan aku?
macam tibe2 kene lightening bolt
oh my god
its nearly a year
tak jumpe
(oh jgn percaye,drama lebey..baru 7 bulan xjmpe)
can i say he changes a lot?
smakin kurus
smakin kemas
dan smakin cute
tapi so to speak
i missed him
as friend eh..jgn coba2 mahu gusip
skarang kitorang macam ade barrier plak
i dont know if i am the one who creates this barrier
tapi im happy to know he's doing well



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