yeay~the end of my hectic-bz-no life- day~hahaha
bedding=bedding set baru..amazom mali..
hi guys..i know,da lame sgt kot tak tulis sumthing kat blog nih..heheh..for the last week of lecture,my life are too hectic and too stressful even sumtimes ade je terpk nak pegi clubbing,ilang kan stres..tapi i still know my limitation...but now,im done with my software lifecycle report!!!hahaha..sgt sronok okeh..but then..through along da process,wa..tensi jgn cite laa..cik izza,i think ive got ur habit already..theraphy to stress is shoping(instead of clubbing better lagi this one kan??)..wa...tidakkkk..hahaha..jgn tatau..i beli banyak sgt barang mggu nih..dresses, tak?tapi nasebla pon tgh winter sale rite week im going to spain..yeay~anybody nak itot?hehehe..i know iza and gg would..kekeke..not feeling like typing la..the story goes same old same old..huhu..tunggula bile ade rempah ratus sket bleh la add entry panjang tempek gambar jelaa kasik korang tgk barang yang ku beli..5 dresses,one handbag,3 singging flower,ulat cumel tu hadiah berpday,my senior kasik..dan yang gambar bedding tu bedding mari..huhu..and dlm perancangan nak beli sweater cumel satu ng jeans satu..hua3..dasat tak zatil iman??ei..insap le sket cik adik oittt...ngeheheh..
besh giler shopping sakan..
dh lama ok i x shopping~
nk itot
nk itot
nk itot
nkkkkkkkkkkkkkk..nak jugakkk!!!!
x yah lah insap..nnt i xde member :))