
heyho people!

hows yall?

am good 

The last time im posting was in july. Gahhh

Mana darah pahlawan ni jatil oi. Haha

Macam biasa, life happened.

Lastweek i spent my week at dorsett, putrajaya

Ada bengkel kurikulum the whole week.

Later that weekend, hubs come to kl picking me up with kids.

Sisz angkut 2ketul tu ikut. Kebetulan bengkel dekat dgn rumah my mom.

Emir tnggal ng abah sbb school.

Highlight kalau dok hotel sudah semestinya pool.

Right now pulak, memang dpt bilik hotel sorang sebilik. Boleh angkuttlaa kaum kerabat dok skali

And thennn, this happen!

Maigad. I was super shocked when he handed me the paper bag.

Alhamdulillah, rejeki.

Semoga encik hasbengg dipanjangkan umur dan diberikan rezeki melimpah ruahh.

Noting this as a memory. 

So that bile2 tgh marohh, boleh berjikir sambil tgk kebaikan2 yg dilimpahkan keatas diri sendiri.


Ps: jajaaaaa, i seeee youuu. Hahahaha


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