Of ramadhan, Work and Life

Ramadhan Kareem everyone!
I pray that this ramadhan will be the best ramadhan for all for us.
Dah seminggu puase dah weh.
Like previous ramadhan kareem entries, I cannot stress enough how i liked ramadhan.
Like ramadhan is my favourite month of the year( besides my birthday month)
But this year's ramadhan is different.
No bazaar, no dine-out iftar, no ramadhan buffet and no tarawih in masjid.
Never would i imagine i would be alive to see a pandemic that swept and shuts down the entire world.
I am barely coping. Missing siblings and parents as hell.
Praying in this holy month, cepatlah kite semua recover dari bahana si covid ni.
I am typing this on my pc.
After sahur, after keying in students mark.
Matilanakk kakak ade lagi 2class nak kene grade ni.
Jenuh korek carik smangat nak mengadap kerje budak2 ni.
Dah la tu, pembangunan kurikulum pon jalan serentak yehh.
In between meeting, kurikulum, consult budak and grading kerja budak.
Oh thats just work yeh. Tak termasuk extra work kat rumah. Haha.
Allah, gives me strength.
Did i mentioned before ,i have to setup a workspace next to hubbies workspace?
Haha. Tak penah keje dalam satu bilik, sebelah2 pulak.
Dah PKP sambung2, mehla setup proper workspace.
Seblum PKP sambung the 2nd phase tu, kakak berpindah randah.
Kadang meeting kat living hall, kadang meeting kat dlm bedroom.
Kadang pinjam workspace hubby.
Hahaha. Nomad.
So nak kene consult budak , grading budak sumee, so hubs offered to setup a workplace for me.
And to add to it, emir started to have daily worksheet to be printed and done.

Mine & His

I revamp balik meja putih tu. Kalau ikut hubs, die nak buang meja putih tu.
Because he just setup his new gaming/ workplace station getup.
And i said, its okay, lemme have it la. 
I tampal wall sticker kat atas tu, lap bersihkan semua and it shone a new light.
Good job Zatil!
So okay, i think enough recess time jatil oi.
Jom sambung check keje bebudak ni.
Sem ni ajar 3 class weh. Maigod.
Haritu kakak ade suruh student kakak hantar video presentation
There is one student ni, hantar video present dalam keadaan die tengah duduk kat tepi kaki lima , sambil present melenggang kangkung
Ya tuhannnnnn, tatau nak depress ke nak gelak.
Tapi i gelak macam org gilaa laa. For 2 days.
Sambil type ni pon dok gelak lagii mengenang betapa carefreee nye student2 guwe.
Oh sem ni kakak ajar 3D props modelling ( I teach animation course)

Hasil kerja one of my student. Cantik gilaaa kann? Render guna arnold onpoint gilaaa.

So yeap.
Im gonna go and check thousandss of Maya's file and props modelling.
Doakan kejayaan kakakk.


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