
Hey little diary.

Today, im gonna tell you one thing that i regret is ending.
I guess YOU deserves a whole post to yourself.
I dont know what went wrong actually.
I really dont.
For me, it all started with random socmedia post.
All the rants about missing bestfriend, not making time, not important la.
At first i tot, it wasnt about me.
THEN, i saw the post about missing ur bff .
And i tot, err ok. Why dont u text me directly instead of posting those hurtful things is socmedia

Exhibit A.

I tried, to be cool about it. I just cant.
Its not how i was raised.
And after all, that moment when u posted on socialmedia, i was busy handling life.
Yep, betulla tu. 
No such thing as busy, only priorities.
At that moment of time, MY FAMILY is MY PRIORITIES.
My kids had an episodes of masuk HDU(High Dependancy Unit) because of penumonia.
After an episodes of inara's ward admitting 
You think id have time to worry about anything else?
You of all people should understand.
Because you have one on your own.

I am sorry, if me confronting you is harsh.
I need clarity.
And i tot you were ok with it.
But apparently you are not.
To the point, you dont even text me on my birthday.
I wished you well on your birthday eventho im hurt as fuck when u casually said "oh and belated birthday to you!"
Your housewarming, you send me a picture card like i was somebody u just broadcasted the message.
Not a single hello.
I tried la, to bersangka baik.
I texted you, hambar.
Oh i tot u marah kottt, sbb lepas i confront tu i tak mintak maaf.
I mintak maaf
Masih hambar ye.
I am not one to tell tales like this
But what the hell, lets.

I missed you.
Tapi i think we better off like this.
I cant be with somebody so selfish to think that the world evolve only around her.
I cant be with somebody who FAIL to understand my situation.
I just cant.

18 years of friendship. 
Down the drain.
So, thank YOU, NEXT.

ps :
If  YOU ever read this, imagine the hurt i felt when i broadcasted this out in the open instead of resolving this with you.


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