PBAKL 2019

Dear diary, 

Last wednesday, there were office trip to the international book fair in PWTC.

I pegi on behalf of pensarah akademik. 


Turn out hari yg kitorang pegi tu ya ampunnn ramai gilaaa budak sekolah wehhh.

Ya Allah, i have utmost respect la dgn cikgu2 sekolah ni. Kegigihan diorang mmg kakak tabik spring.

Budak2 sekolah rendah ok. 

Kakak ni nak bawak budak yang lepas akil baligh pon pikirr panjanggg

Gerak dr kolej around 8.30, and sampai dalam 11ish. 

So we were given until 2.30pm to do our own thing. 

My aim dari pesta buku yang lepas2(yang tak pernah tercapai haha) pon was always to go and check out whitecoat publication. 

And i end up with 4books.

Mission : Accomplished ✅

So pegi pre schooler section, i end up with 2 sets of activity book for emir. 

And i went to MPH booth, end up with some cecelia ahern novels, activity books for aqeel and inara andddddd jeng jeng jeng, one motivational book called the art of not giving a fuck kot title dia. 

Nanti ill check again and ill come back later with an honest review. 

And thats it. 

And i am done with book shopping at 12ish 1pm gitu. 

I tell my colleague im gonna go eat lunch kat sunway putra mall with my sister. 

Tujuan die mmg satu jee : COFFEE BEAN!! 


I dont know la, lepas balik europe ni ketagih gilaaa caramel coffee ice blendedd. 

Bile nak insopp jatil iman. 



And soo we had dimsum for lunch. 

Sape2 yg tak penah try dimsum, u guys should try dolly dimsum wehh

I mmg bukan pemakan dimsum ponn terjebakkk. 

Salted egg bun die adelah to die forrr. 

Prawn CF pon samee. Sambal die sedapp gilaaaa. 

Moi dia pon sedap. 

Eh pokok pangkal nye sedap blake la. 

Adeh, cite pasei makanan ni jadi lapau pulak

I had a student final project presentation the whole day today. 

So. Effing. Tired


Okay then, till next time. 



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