5 Ramadhan
Ramadhan kareem everyone!
So hows ramadhan so far?
Mine was alhamdulillah okay.
Pencapaian so far :
Belum miss sahur lagi stkt ni.
And masih lagi berjayaa cooked for iftar.
Oh and ive started work already
After monthss long of leave.
So smlm i was so nervous nak antar my kids to nursery.
My concern is definitely aqeel.
Inara is such a doll.
I know she would be ok.
So halfway through this morning, i texted cikgu die
As i expected, aqeel and emir is a bit struggling to adapt.
Takpe babies, my heart and doa would always be with you ok.
Anyways, smlm when i packing things up for them
Baru mcm it hit me.
Anak 3 dah oii.
Ramai dah anak kakak
As you can seen, thats how i packed their bag.
OCD much ha?
So ok people.
Till i write again.