Rawat Inap

Hey pipolss.

Kali ni ahkak bersiaran dr my latest check in port - hospitals!
What a start for 2018.
But for for the sake of both of us, here2 i am.
Tak penah2 kene check in pasal athma,this time around check inn.
Punah rekod i tak penah kene admit hospital other than because of giving birth.
I miss my babiess.
Luckily smalam abah bawak diorang dtg tgk mummy.
Haha. Abes my food diorang abeskan.
There is one insta story when aqeel is all bossy menyandar kat katil sambil suruh org feed him
He is cutee beyond wordss!!

So the pakar is all in for ward round.
Im off.



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