Stormy Days

yesterday was an eventful day.
first, it got stormy rain in kajang.
and we didnt know how to start a car.
we even have to google it out.
can you imagine starting a car while watching tutorial out of youtube?
#bimbomoment pelis. haha
then, all the MRT were going at a snail's pace.
my ETS was scheduled at 6.50pm.
and guess i reached kl sentral what time?
bought another ticket. and off i go to nu sentral to kill the time
bought a couple of pezzo pizza ( which i didnt eat)
and hazelnut choc chatime ( heavenly!)
boarded the train, and reach tapah road approximately 10.45pm
le' hubs picked me up and of we go driving thru mcdonalds.
reached home before midnight.
change into pjs
and we ate our ( dinner ke? ) supper i supposed while watching pirates of the carribean , salazar something.
and i dozed of sampai le' hubs kejut and said " lets sleep properly"
off we go to bed.
i was getting a very deep sleep.
this past week has been so tiringg.
i think my body are trying so hard to cope.
so pagi ni bangun all refreshed 
lunching with le' hubs.
a productive day i must say.
i think dekat 3 minggu kot tnggal ofis?
so lots to be done.
and lets hope no more outstation after this. 
or if so, bring it on bebeh.

so, with a little update on my life
im going to sign off

lets hope ill write soon ok?


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