New Beginning.

Hey ho!
Hows open house and open feast treating you guys?
Literally, life selepas raya adelah swamped dengan invitation open house a.k.a open feast.
I hope i dont gain all those weight that ive lost *fingercrossed

So, whatsap with all the url changes ?
Kehkeh. Let me tell you the bitter truth.
You see, when you put your life on the net, its inevitable for people to tend to judge or to think that they know you inside out from only reading what you typed.
Im okay with that. Because you can do whatever you do to make your life happier.
Or PRETEND to do.
I just found out recently that sometimes by writing, i kept a part of my sanity intact.
When everything was stagnant at that point of my life.
When life hits me hard on my face.
I get to be this carefree and once again myself. Just by writing.
Means i used to be that carefree person. Before i came here ( where i live now) and people start prying into my life and judging me through my online life
You see, im a different person online and offline.
You may read my blog all you want, but trust me.
Theres a lot of me rather than what you've read.
So, berbalik kepada soalan whatsap with the url.
I wanted to write, because of me.
I always write because of me. Not others.
So, lately i have this one unwanted visitor who kept prying to my blog and went beserk on herself.
I know right? Sendirik pry, sendiri mental.
I used to be that person too.
*jangan kate tak spy okay, i have all the traffic source. yeah right, punye lame tak tgk blog aku. keyword search pon appear ok. I is tere laikdat. Tarikh pon adaaa.
So im doing her  a favour. Ecewah.
kasik chan la ahkak belagak suci. Bahahaha
Marilah kembali menulis without have to think is this appropriate?
Is this ok to put online?

So, this is the end of any explaination im going to post.
I am moving forward.
To be a better me.
To be a better servant.
To be a better mummeyh.
Lets pray that Allah makes it easier for the heart.

To a new beginning, Cheeers!!


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