my best friend's wedding

hey people.
its been a while since i write.
so hari ni as i were trying to fall asleep by counting biri2
i tot,hey.why not i blogged about izza's wedding.haha.
dah nak dkat sebulan dh kawan tu kawen.guwe baru hegeh2.hahaha
i went to berkampung at kuala kangsar as early as raya ketiga.
tolong prepare mane yang patut.
and i did her hantaran by myselfff.wohooo!
the congregration ceremony was sailing smooth.
with one lafaz,izza now is official a wife.
it felt sureal u know.
to be having ur besties as someone's wife.
well,im still adjusting to having to share her with someone else.
u see,ive been bitter these past few days.
smue org around me can feel that negative vibe ive been sending off.
i am being grumpy,clingy and not to mention moody.
and ive been suffering a major stomach pain that i think induced by stress.
hows that?
not cool okay.
okay.guwe dah kelaut.
so just enjoy the gambar2 eh.
im at lost of words.
im gonna write again
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cikhajar said…
ek ehh..kat pelamin pon nak gosip keee?? aiyooo

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