back here..

bile tgk balik previous entry..
cam siol je taip entry 4 baris..
what to do.
im a bz person once im in malaysia..
now when im back in here in the far2 away land,
im having all the time in the world to ramble in this bersawang blog.
talking bout class:boringgg that my lappy is being merajok ng aku(read:takmo idop)
i only have the pleasure of internet when im being in the school
(read:computer lab)
petang ini mahu ke tesco membuat groceries.
sangat malas.sriyes.
ade sape2 mahu tlg menggrocerieskan diri ku tak?
oh petang nih zahran ajak meet up student2 baru aston uni
apparently tahun nih aston uni mempunyai ramaiiiiiiii undergrad baru
(read:ramai=3 org dikire jama')
3 org je pon
tapiii diconsider ramai okeh
di aston,undergrad melayu adelah sadis bilangan nye
from what ive been told,
its sorang perempuan(mira),dan due org lelaki(syafiq dan salman)
haha..cerita pasal salman..
izza musti gelak guling2 kalau dgr name nih.
aku nerbes gak nih..kot2 la dunie nih kecik kan
uish..kalau lah die salman yang kite maksudkan izza..
memangg jatuh jaw petale ke-8 aku petang ni wehh
whatever it is,i'll let u guys know later okay?

so much for an entry la kan zatill
take care peeps..


Izzatul Azma said…
babe, u owed me the pic!!

but apparently that salman is not "our" salman that we used to know rite rite rite??

klo tak, mst bertubi2 entry ko atas ni psl dia :P

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