pergh..sawang tak hengat blog aku nih~
sory babes,bz packing my belongings and bz malas jugak..wahahah..its not that i dont have story to tell,but then when u have too much to tell,u kinda dont know where to start.and now,im mustering all my courage and strenght(cecewahhh)to type it all over again in this my very own,bear with me because this entry will be overbearing long.haha it goes..
firstly,yeay~im done with exams.and all other uni stuff.but however,still praying damn hard for the result.jom join doa mau?mak pesan,kalau ramai tlg doakan insyaAllah termakbul..heheh
secondly,rite after i finished my last paper, i went to wales.i went ther with pinaz since she's here in her sista house.we kinda excited gile..all the from birm lam train asek la bersembang sampai sedar2 da ade kat cardif.wahhhh...i tell u,best like hell..the hospitality and evrything,tiptop!thanks to cik dila and cik afzan kite,kerane melayan kami2 ini...
on the first day tu,ade cite klaka..i LEFT my phone i tot the phone itself not too necessary,so we just went without my phone.and ding~dlm train baru tringat,every number even dilla's number pon ade kat my henpon.pinaz tadek number contact dilla and dilla tadek contact number pinaz.tapi itu small matter je,bleh call sumone else to get dilla's number.da sampai2 cardif central tu,we all jalan2 dulu but we left a message telling we've reached safely.sbb dilla still got class.jln2 carik makan..try call dilaa.tak angkat.
call lagi.
tak angkat.
call lagi
kitorang da sampai nekad okeh nak pegi sendiri tempat dila..siap da tanye nak naek bas ke train.kuar2 je dari tkmax,tibe2 ade org panggil name pinaz.pinaz da stok pk pemes ke die sampai kat cardif pon ade org kenal die.rupa2nye dila!thank god.rupenye2 hempon mahal dila hang..(she's using iphone..wahahah).so da slamat tu,die bawak kitorang pegi treforest(umah pian)..
dirumah pian,pian menunjuk kan skil memasak die..thanks pian.and we went to rumah afzan.and so forth la..panjang sgt kalau nak cite sbijik2 kan?but thanks to foo and wifey,for the lovely lunch.sedap sgt~(see,told ya,hospitality tiptop okay)
and the best bit is..
last nite tu kitorang maen monopoly tau..wakakkakaka..gilark havoc.maen tetengah malam lak tu..muahahahaha..tapi memang best..skali housemate afzan call suro senyap sikit.wakakakaka.tros kitorang maen dalam silent mode.yang tak menahan nye tu..pinaz yang banker pon dok men picit2 punat tu dlm slimut.bile dipikir2 balik memang sgt klaka okay.
adehai..pape pon.the trip was enjoyable..siap bleh berkelah ditepian pantai lagi.thanks bangat dilla and afzan.u girls are the best laa...
da abes cite,layan gambar plak la eh?
me at caerphilly castle
us at caerphilly castle
nak dare pilihan..lalalala~
anak dare sapaaa laa nihh
shuhh~silence is the ultimate choice of self defence
gambar ayu tak hengat..getek okehh~
beach gurl u alls
camera gurls~
us,picnicking at barry island
sory babes,bz packing my belongings and bz malas jugak..wahahah..its not that i dont have story to tell,but then when u have too much to tell,u kinda dont know where to start.and now,im mustering all my courage and strenght(cecewahhh)to type it all over again in this my very own,bear with me because this entry will be overbearing long.haha it goes..
firstly,yeay~im done with exams.and all other uni stuff.but however,still praying damn hard for the result.jom join doa mau?mak pesan,kalau ramai tlg doakan insyaAllah termakbul..heheh
secondly,rite after i finished my last paper, i went to wales.i went ther with pinaz since she's here in her sista house.we kinda excited gile..all the from birm lam train asek la bersembang sampai sedar2 da ade kat cardif.wahhhh...i tell u,best like hell..the hospitality and evrything,tiptop!thanks to cik dila and cik afzan kite,kerane melayan kami2 ini...
on the first day tu,ade cite klaka..i LEFT my phone i tot the phone itself not too necessary,so we just went without my phone.and ding~dlm train baru tringat,every number even dilla's number pon ade kat my henpon.pinaz tadek number contact dilla and dilla tadek contact number pinaz.tapi itu small matter je,bleh call sumone else to get dilla's number.da sampai2 cardif central tu,we all jalan2 dulu but we left a message telling we've reached safely.sbb dilla still got class.jln2 carik makan..try call dilaa.tak angkat.
call lagi.
tak angkat.
call lagi
kitorang da sampai nekad okeh nak pegi sendiri tempat dila..siap da tanye nak naek bas ke train.kuar2 je dari tkmax,tibe2 ade org panggil name pinaz.pinaz da stok pk pemes ke die sampai kat cardif pon ade org kenal die.rupa2nye dila!thank god.rupenye2 hempon mahal dila hang..(she's using iphone..wahahah).so da slamat tu,die bawak kitorang pegi treforest(umah pian)..
dirumah pian,pian menunjuk kan skil memasak die..thanks pian.and we went to rumah afzan.and so forth la..panjang sgt kalau nak cite sbijik2 kan?but thanks to foo and wifey,for the lovely lunch.sedap sgt~(see,told ya,hospitality tiptop okay)
and the best bit is..
last nite tu kitorang maen monopoly tau..wakakkakaka..gilark havoc.maen tetengah malam lak tu..muahahahaha..tapi memang best..skali housemate afzan call suro senyap sikit.wakakakaka.tros kitorang maen dalam silent mode.yang tak menahan nye tu..pinaz yang banker pon dok men picit2 punat tu dlm slimut.bile dipikir2 balik memang sgt klaka okay.
adehai..pape pon.the trip was enjoyable..siap bleh berkelah ditepian pantai lagi.thanks bangat dilla and afzan.u girls are the best laa...
da abes cite,layan gambar plak la eh?
wakakaka..naseb time monopoly je tak amek gambar..kalau tak,dapatla u olls tgk gambar org kalah(aku la tu)wahahahaha..
okay,back to my monkey bisnes..muahahaha..packing barang je pon..daaa~
okay,back to my monkey bisnes..muahahaha..packing barang je pon..daaa~
awat u npk berisi ni? =P
mst ni yg u bebelkan hr tu gmbr kat cardiff sme npk berisi..hiks
izza...die nampak berisi sbb ati manyak senang maaaaaa..hehe